Labor Force Situation Riau Province 2015 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Riau Province

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Labor Force Situation Riau Province 2015

Catalog Number : 2303004.14
Publication Number : 14520.1608
ISSN/ISBN : 2406-839x
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : December 19, 2016
Language : Indonesian
File Size :  MB


This publication contains tables of the labor force situation in Riau province which was obtained from The National Labor Force Survey (NLFS/ in Indonesian called Sakernas) on August 2015. The target sample size of Sakernas in August 2015 was 5,120 households consist of 1,280 households that were from semester sample package and 3.840 households were addition sample package in intention to provide estimation down to regency/municipality levels. The data presented in the tables covers population aged 15 years and over, which are described by sex (male and female) and region (urban and rural).
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